The Weeb News



Local awoo girl shows patriotism (Awooland, Uwutah)

Insane amounts of patriotism and belief for awooland, she didn't fear anything

"I've never seen such a brave awoo girl," "She was a beast, where she puts the eye, she puts the balls," "I meant bullet" "Corona-chan is so hot... what? What is this interview about, fuck let me see the sheet"

As you might already know, there was peace until the linux atheists and their gaylord leader, Mr. Torvalds, invaded Awooland in order to steal our precious wan wan wan and that thing I forgot the name of I think it was something that starts with a and ends with woo oh I remember its awoo well they wanted to steal our awoo and we wouldnt allow them, Awooland is brave!

On this war conflict, there was a special awoo girl that had the MVP title, Momiji "Wanwan" Inubashiri graduated top of her class in the Awoo Seals and now she is a proud warrior of Awooland, defending our country from the linux atheists that use arch btw, it is known that she killed over 300 weebs. "Die mothewfucking piece of shit gawbage fuwwy wacconsuckew" she said while killing all of those degenerates that fapped to Corona-chan

"Owo what's this?" /shoots you in the bulgy wulgy

In other news

Does Bruno Mars Is Gay? (The Rumor Come Out)

Bruno Mars is gay Is the most discussed today And in the media in the few years ago Even it has happened in 2012 though But some of the public still curious What has happened it's mysterious And to be the reason there is a rumor Comes out about his gay Does Bruno Mars is Gay? The Rumor Come out What does this even say? What is it really about? It is a question that will haunt me for years to come Does Bruno Mars is Gay? The public, especially his fans are shocked He just came out with his bad rumor which is spread a lot. This time is not about his music career But his very bad rumor here Does Bruno Mars is Gay? The Rumor Come out What does this even say? What is it really about? It is a question that will haunt me for years to come Does Bruno Mars is Gay? The rumor is out of standardize of hoax According the last reported this singer revealed himself Do you still believe or not? It's talked about a lot of folks Even in a person of his fans We may never know the answer to this It's not something that the people should dismiss Cause there are many things in this world that we should throw away But never should it be Bruno Mars' Gay Does Bruno Mars is Gay? The Rumor Come out What does this even say? What is it really about? It is a question that will haunt me for years to come. Does Bruno Mars Does Bruno Mars Does Bruno Mars is Gay?